Group 1B Film Opening Sequence

Group 1B Film Opening Sequence

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Question 6: What have you learn about the technologies in the construction of your opening sequence?

Click on mind-map picture to enlarge it.

There were limitations to using the lighting so this video helped explain how we could do so much with simply using one light. This also helped me see that as a film maker, there is no need for excessive use of technology and how the main importance of a film is actually the way it tells a story and conveys a message.

Me using lights on set.

I cannot say that technology wasn't needed at all as for post-production, we relied on technology to be able to edit our sequence together however, I feel as though in the film industry many people are too concerned with modern technology and using it for everything. Independent film makers, such as ourselves, don't have all the access to expensive technology and the reality is that there isn't a dire need for them and we should not have to compete so heavily with the professional film makers because they do have access to the expensive technology. After, isn't a film about its plot?

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