Group 1B Film Opening Sequence

Group 1B Film Opening Sequence

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

5. How did you attract/address your audience?

We applied our knowledge of the horror genre audience into our opening sequence. We wanted to scare them, with relevant characters and themes that they would expect from a horror film. The video below presents how we applied what we knew to specific parts of the opening sequence.

I got audience feedback from around 10 people, some that are horror film fans, and others that aren't.
Below is a video of two of the people that I conducted the questionnaire at and these are their reactions.

From the questionnaire, these are the results and how much percent of the audience successfully answered each question:

1. What is the film's title? 100%
2. What genre do you think it is? 100%
3. Mainstream or independent production? 80% mainstream
4. Who do you think it's suitable for? 100% unisex teens or 16-24 year olds
5. Can you identify the characters? 100% remembered Violet, but couldn't remember the dad's name.
6. Describe what happens in the sequence. 100% successfully remembered the narrative.
7. Do you think the opening sequence works? 100% yes.

When I asked what they thought could be improved, many said that they wanted more jump scares, and what we provided wasn't enough. This tells me that although this is just the opening sequence, the audience expect an almost climactic beginning to the film.

When I asked what they liked, many enjoyed Violet's room, and liked how it was simple but effective. This tells me that we successfully used sound to portray the villain.

As I was worried about if the audience would relate to Violet and feel close to her, as I thought our opening may have been a bit distant and cold, I also asked if they liked her, and thought she was a relatable character, and to my surprise they all said yes.

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