Group 1B Film Opening Sequence

Group 1B Film Opening Sequence

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Updated Script

From our feedback, we were told that the conversation between the doctor and dad at the beginning reveals too much of the narrative. To fix this, we would need to change the conversation to being simply between Violet and Dale. This would allow the audience to be introduced to characters and narrative without revealing important information.

*As the distribution credits are shown, a conversation between two people can be heard. No background music just their voices. This conversation is between Violet and Dale.*

Violet: Dad where are you it's getting late.

Dad: I got a later shift at work so I'll be home early in the morning, don't wait up.

Violet: Ughhhhhhh you always do this!

Dad: I promise you I'll make up for it, Violet, but I really have to go now I'll see you in the morning.

Violet: Dad pleas- *phone hangs up*

*Opening starts with a girl waking up from her bed, panting heavily. Her bedroom wall is covered in distressing drawings of creatures of sorts. There are 3 knocks on the door causing her to jerk her head. As she looks towards the alarm clock she sees that it is very late, 2am. Warily she gets up and peeks through the window to see the driveway and no one is there. As she is up, she decides to go downstairs and get a glass of water. Whilst doing this, she hears the 3 knocks again. They're louder this time. In fright, she grabs a knife from the kitchen and prepares herself to peer through the peep hole. The 3 knocks sound again, louder and more violent. Just a split second after the 3rd knock, she looks through expecting something/someone terrifying to be there but is greeted by an empty driveway and a seemingly calm night. Feeling more frightened than ever, she runs upstairs and hides in her closet from where she phones her dad. He picks up after a few rings.*

Dad: (voice through the phone) Violet do you know wha ti-
Girl: (breathing heavily and speaking in a rushed manner but in a whisper) Dad, I need you to come home right now. I think someone's trying to get in. I don't know. Please just come, I-

*Suddenly her head turns towards the closet door and she hears faint scratching. Her dad can be heard yelling through the phone, asking her questions. Then faintly but clearly the 3 knocks sound on the closet door. The title "hurting" appears.*

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