Group 1B Film Opening Sequence

Group 1B Film Opening Sequence

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Creepy drawings/sketches in horror films.

In our film opening, for the mise-en-scene of the girl's bedroom, we want to include iconography such as drawings on her bedroom wall to suggest that she is mentally disturbed. To develop this synergistically with the title pages and create a theme, we also want to include some of the drawings floating or static around the titles themselves in the title pages.




All these drawings are child-like, which in a sense reflects this whole theme as most movies where these drawings are prominent, include children that draw them.

The Ring

As our film is dealing with a teenager, the drawings need to seem more mature, which in turn could make tg and realistic.

We want to keep the drawings:
  • Black and white (fit in with the black and white title pages.
  • Simple but effective in the style they're drawn, for example angrily scratched onto the paper rather than smoothly.
Early ideas

As we don't want to reveal the monster that is haunting her (mentally/physically), I had to draw other things that are equally disturbing without revealing too much. I thought I would try and draw her emotions as best as I could while still creating that disturbed atmosphere. 

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