Group 1B Film Opening Sequence

Group 1B Film Opening Sequence

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Horror - Institutions/Distributors

Paramount Pictures - Distributed Paranormal Activity successfully.
- Many divisions to productively distribute a film successfully.

Some divisions are:

Advantages: Global reach (distributing around the world).
Viacom's many branches could help boost film's success.
Modern technological advancements in terms of distribution platforms (our target audience
16-24 males and females use technology all the time).
Previous success with Paranormal Activity.

Disadvantages: Not specialized in horror.
Audience expectations for our film could differ from what they are used to.
Viacom's leading brands also have a different audience to the one we are targeting.

Lionsgate - Distributes many horror films successfully (Texas Chainsaw, Saw films, Silent Hill etc)
- Familiar with audience expectations for horror genre.
- Able to distribute globally.

'Lionsgate produces movies that major American studios would not accept because they are too controversial or too disturbing for major studios.'

As our film is intended on not being too disturbing, so it can attract and appeal to a wide and gender-balanced audience, in a real life scenario it could potentially be produced by another distribution company, for example Paramount distributed Paranormal Activity which is closer to sub-genre and theme with our film, hence making it a better choice. But Lionsgate is very familiar with the genre, and knows horror audiences well enough to distribute the film well and keep the audience satisfied.  On the other hand, the fact that Paramount succesfully distributed Paranormal Activity tells us that they are wiling to distribute low budget films with an unknown cast. 

Momentum Pictures - Distribute many horror films including The Woman in Black which is similar to our film.
-Familiar with audience expectations for films similar to our own.
-Distribute films of a lower budget to films from Lionsgate and Paramount.

Good for if we only want a UK and Ireland distribution of our film, rather than a global release.

In the end, we have decided to have Lionsgate as our distributor, as they handle many successful horror films and aren't as a big as Paramount which means they are more likely to want to distribute our films as it is a low-budget, UK film.

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