Group 1B Film Opening Sequence

Group 1B Film Opening Sequence

Sunday, January 27, 2013



We want the music in our opening to be eerie and to leave people "on the edge of their seats". These are some of the films that used music excellently to create a scary atmosphere.

Psycho- high pitched string instruments like in the shower scene. Maybe not exactly as intense as the violin is at the beginning but we could possibly go for the lower pitch type of violin sound that is at the end of the clip.

Friday the 13th- a killer after an innocent victim. Whenever the killer approaches very unnerving music is playing. Click here to hear a sample. This could be used as the other wordly creature/ghost/killer gets into the house or when the protagonist is running. 

Halloween- Also has the plot of a mad killer. However in this the music when he approaches is an unsettling 3 note piano melody plays in the background (composed by Alan Howarth). Click here to listen to it. We could maintain an eerie melody/lullaby like music piece through out some of the opening scene.

We're also planning to make a lot of use of simply silence. The lack of sound will make the audience really zone into each specific detail on screen furthermore it will be a lot creepier and leave them tense. The beginning of this track named "An Eerie Silence" would work well with our clip as it gives this build up of expectation. Click here to listen to it.

Here is a list of other types of sound/music that would fit in well with our opening:

Mysterious Slowness - click here to listen to it. We can use this for when the conversation between the dad and the doctor is happening at the beginning.

We can use the sound at 00:08 to 00:14 for when Violet looks into the peep-hole to discover nothing on the other side.

As our clip is based around the 'knock' sound to create the illusion of an entity trying to get the girl without showing the entity itself, our clip must focus on that sound without losing it with using many non-diegetic sounds. For this reason, we will try and use very small amounts of non-diegetic sounds as possible.

The sound at 00:25 can be used when the title is shown at the end.

We had to ensure the music was royalty free music, so there was no copyright on the music. That way there would be no piracy involved. The links to music clips we have provided are all from copyright free sites such as Jamendo. Some YouTubers also uploaded their own sounds are made it clear in their video that they do not mind other people using their sounds.

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